Department of Microbiology, GMC, Srinagar is a post graduate department which comprises of the Bacteriology (including Routine bacteriology Blood culture, urine & stool culture), Parasitology, Immunology, Mycobacteriology, Viral Research& Diagnostic Laboratory (VRDL), and Mycology Laboratories .
Our BSL-III lab is located in the chest disease hospital, where RT-PCR is being done. This lab of ours has been at forefront during the Covid 19 pandemic with around 2 lakh RT- PCR tests conducted in less than 1year period. The HIV laboratory in the department functions as a state reference laboratory (SRL) for HIV under the aegis of NACO , ministry of health and welfare, Government of India. We also house a medical college level well equipped Viral Research& Diagnostic Laboratory (VRDL) where different viruses are being tested for.
We share a common mission of growing together. We aim to produce microbiologists of excellent caliber, who have acquired diagnostic skills of common and uncommon infectious etiologies, have developed good technical, research and teaching skills and at the same time being sensitive to the needs of the society and environment while practicing ethical code of conduct. We are committed in providing quality education to all our students with equal emphasis on state of the art as well as essential relevant knowledge in a congenial environment which promotes mental as well as spiritual health. The department is involved in research and teaching of M.D, MBBS, BDS, BSc Nursing and other paramedic courses. The intake of MD (Microbiology) candidates is 03 per year and 150 candidates for MBBS Course per year.The Department plays a seminal role in the diagnosis and guide to the treatment of patients presenting with infectious diseases in SMHS and associated hospitals.