
Since its inception in 2014, the College of Nursing Library system endeavors to cater the information and learned needs of its users. The library is located within the campus building, where it is sharing its physical space with the Angularly Mission Trust. The library tries its best to cope with the demands of users by moving over to the computerized networking infrastructure including manual. 

Resource Allocation:

Library print resource collection covers textbooks and journals, ranging from 4000-5000 volumes of print books and 300-400 no. of journals and the volume continue to grow. 


The services provided by the library of College of nursing are as follows: 

  • Book Loan Service: Library offers book services to its clientele which includes students, faculty members and other administrative staff of the college. Duration of loan and no. of books that users can avail varies amongst different types of users.
  • Reservation of Documents: Users can get a document reserved well before time and get it issued accordingly.


  • Issuance of Library Use Permit: The library staff permits a non-member a permitted use of library for a particular period. Such person however, is not given borrowing facilities.


  • Maintenance of Vertical Files: The vertical files containing pamphlets, prospectus, reports etc which form an important source of information in library is furnished to the users from time to time.
  • Technical AV’s: Library has a good collection of AV’s in the form of CD’s, which can be accessed by its members only. Moreover, library is on path of enriching this collection.